Michael French stars as unconventional detective Jeff Slade, a man who enjoys living on the edge and playing by his own set of rules. Charismatic, witty and unorthodox. Slade is a risk-taker whose natural tendency to rebel against authority often gets him into trouble. Crime Traveller marks a new direction for Michael, who won millions of fans playing Britain’s favourite womaniser David Wicks in Eastenders.
Michael French says David Wicks was a gift of a role. I think the writers did a terrific job and together we created a compellingly complex chatacter. Here was a man it seems that the viewers could easily identify with!
‘I am constantly touched by the public’s positive reaction to David, and to myself, especially after his final episodes. Part of me feels guilty for leaving Eastenders because it seems they would of enjoyed more of his antics.
I will always have fond memories of Eastenders. Over the three years I grew very close to my on screen family and I miss them. Eastenders has a rare and special atmosphere. It’s a very secure and rewarding environment to work in and so it’s understandable why some actors choose to stay for many years.
‘However, I decided to leave the programme simply beacause I wanted to build on this valuable experience and exolore other characters both on TV and in the theatre.
Before I left I was approached to play a number of characters that resembled David, but at that time I wanted to do something entirely different which was the main reason I chose to play Jeff Slade in Crime Traveller.
‘It’s certaintly been a refreshing change from the emotionally charged scripts of Eastenders! Slade is a warm, instinctive but incorrigible detective with a sharp wit. He rarely plays by the book and often finds himself in comically heroic situations. Crime Traveller is charming, fun and exciting entertainment for the whole family. It’s almost nostalgic in it’s style and reminiscent of some of the TV hits of the 60’s and 70’s. The series has been enormous fun to make despite the demanding filming schedule.
It has been great to work with new actors and a whole new family of production staff and crew. It is vital for me to keep moving on and to continue to stretch myself as an actor.
‘I take my career seriously and what is important for me is to do quality drama, with the opportunity to work alongside people with talent and integrity, and obviously to do my job as well as I can.
‘Who knows what’s next around the corner? Obviously Obviously I’m going to continue with my TV work, but I do want to find time to do something really demanding on stage. I shall consider my next role carefully but whatever I choose, I shall make sure that it will be a challenge!